Computers vs Teachers in the Classroom

Using computers in the classrooms is a new common method in some schools especially schools in the rural areas. However, this method cannot take over a whole role of teachers as the centre of information in the learning process. Those who feel strongly about the usage of the computers in the class should argue that using these media is more effective for pupils in studying some lessons, like an English language and Tech class than other methods.

In secondary school ages, students need to be more independent in understanding the basic concept of the lesson. Computers as one of the learning media have abilities to combine text, voice, colour,

gestures and videos in providing interactive studying in the class. For example, in learning English as a foreign language in the class, students can use application like an electronic English dictionary. Especially in Indonesia or other countries where English is not their native language, it is not easy to find English teachers who able to speak English like a native.

In this case, computers give possibilities for students to imitate how is the real English from many tutorial videos that can they download in internet by computers. Similar thing occurs in the Tech class. For making the lesson more productive, the students need to study using computers that provide some features which can help them understand more about the technological development and how to operate that machines to be more useful, like how to make a good presentation with power point program or how to measure data by an excel program.

Computers can give many benefits for students but it is not enough to replace the teachers’ function as an educator, an instructors, and good role models. For example, students cannot get morality values from the computer because it’s just a machine. But they can get many examples from the teachers’ daily behavior  and many life lesson that can be taught be the teachers in the classrooms.

On balance, both using computers as modern learning media or getting knowledge from the teachers have the own benefits. Furthermore, teachers who can use computers in their classroom are able to make their learning process more interactive, creative and powerful in order to increase the students’ understanding.


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