Travelling as a new trend


For modern people, traveling to many places has become new trends, that make tourism has expanded to be big industries. Some people argue improving tourism as a new lifestyle can bring many merits, such as increasing the economic growth and decreasing the unemployment rate. But, developing tourism may give some demerits also, like the environmental hazards and provoking cultural changing.

Tourism helps countries to develop their economies because so many transactions may occur in the destination place, like booking hotels, buying meals, transportation even some taxes that prevail for the visitors and all of these activities make money to the local inhabitant. In addition, tourism industries provide new job vacant for the job seeker, like becoming tour guides for the tourists, working in the local hotels or restaurants, some people even can build a new business that relates to the tourism like travel agents, souvenir shops, and cafes.

On the other hand, tourism industries can increase the environmental damages, like producing pollution and disturb the local ecology. For example, when many local tourists visited Sempu Island in Malang sometimes ago, some of them disobeyed the management rules with did snorkeling without wearing suitable equipment and also did littering on every part of the island. As we know that Sempu island is a mangrove conservation that is protected by the local government with some NGO communities who put a really deep concern about the environmental protection. 


Furthermore, tourism also can disturb the local culture of the destination areas. It can happen if some visitors enter the area with bringing their own style that must be so different with the inhabitants by doing some interaction between them, the information exchange may occur and it can bring positives or negatives effect to the local place even their culture.

On balance, although developing tourism industries can bring many advantages and disadvantages, both of host (local inhabitants and stakeholders) and the visitors should have good will to manage and run this business effectively.


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